What is Domestic Violence?
Attitude Toward Domestic Violence
Understanding the Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Help, Support and Referral (Taiwan Area)
Q: | Definition of Domestic Violence |
A: |
Q: | Who are likely to become the victims of domestic violence? |
A: | The subjects of domestic violence can be any member within family, such as wives and husbands, children, and sisters and brothers. Domestic violence occurs in the privacy of a home, and those involved are usually reluctant to talk about it because they think that it is a shame to expose family business to the public. This makes domestic violence a hidden problem. |
Q: | Forms of Domestic Violence |
A: |
Q: | Domestic violence is a family's business only that we outsiders should never get involved? |
A: | Domestic Violence is not a family's business, but a criminal act. According to our Criminal Code, as long as an individual is beated by the other, the individual is entitled to take out charges against the perpetrator. Therefore, domestic violence cannot be regarded as a family's business only. It is a crime against the law and the vitctims have the right to protect their dignity and safety through legal act, and anyone who witnesses the domestic violence should not ignore this fact without giving the victims a hand. |
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updated : 1998.12.10