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Women & Community Web Team

¡@¡@The establishment of Women & Community Web Team was based on the ideas of "pro-women" and "pro-community interaction."

¡@Although women represent half of the population of Taiwan, they are still weak whether in cultural, political, legal, social, and economic aspects because they have been long treated unequally. Through the activities in study groups, educational trainings, the publication of women-related resources, and the promotion of computer-manipulation, internet courses, we attempt to accumulate as comprehensive resources as we can to enahnce Taiwan women's access to information for self-development and to empower their social involvement to speak for their human rights.

¡@By joining the community affairs together, community members would learn to attain their goals by the division of labor and active participation, from which they could learn how to be the master of their community and the country. Therefore, early in the establishment of the Frontier Foundation, community movement and grassroot workers' training have been two important missions among its objectives. To attain these goals, the Frontier Foundation has organized the "community workshop," published the Community Resources Handbook, and is making "The World Wide Web of Community Works."

Women & Community Web Team Chronicle

March, 1995 Found "Women Work Team." Announce the "Featured Women Issues" on March 8 to introduce global women related websites to Taiwan women.
Sept., 1995Organize the "Taiwan Women Forum" with serveral non-governmental organizations while China government refused Taiwan women organizations' attendance at the "UN Fourth World Conference on Women" held at Beijin, in order to voice for Taiwan women's human rights and make connection with global women.

Assist the Taipei Association for The Promotion of Women's Rights (TAPWER) and Awakening Foundation to make their webpages.

Nov., 1995Plan on the establishment of "Taiwan Women Web" with women's organizations such as The Garden of Hope Foundation and Taipei Association for Promotion of Women's Rights .
Feb., 1996Design "Taiwan Women Web" with The Garden of Hope Foundation.
March, 1996Parttime researchers Ms. Chen, Fay-Weng prepares information for "Taiwan Women Web."
May, 1996 The first stage of "Taiwan Women Web" project begins. Prepare information for featured topic of Mother's Day--"Mom's Name is Taiwan."
Nov., 1996Fulltime researcher Ms. Tsai, Shu-Fang joins the team and takes charge of the "Taiwan Women Web" project.
Dec., 1996Mourning for the murder of Ms. Pen, Wan-Ru, the background color of Taiwan Women Web's homepage is turned to black. The web team also supports women's organizations' request of making Ms. Pegn's date of death as "Women's Rights Day."
Jan., 1997Mr. Yeh, June-Cheng joins the Women and Community Web Team whose job is data collection and editing.
Feb., 1997Organize "The 2nd National Women's Conference: Women's Right Is Human Right" in cooperation with Kaoshung County Government and Taipei City Government Bureau of Social Affairs.
March, 1997Announce "Taiwan Women Web" website.
April, 1997 Invite women's organizations to engage in the discussion of Taiwan Women Forum on the internet. Plan on the on-line "Internet Women Resources Guides."
May, 1997 Invite women's organizations to engage in the dicussion on "Taiwan Women Forum."

Work on the Featured Topics of Taiwan Women Web--A History of Trauma: Comfort Women.

July, 1997Ms. Liu, Sheow-Dan joins the Women & Community Web Team and works on the Taipei Women Related Services Resources Handbook & CD project.

Mr. Yeh, June-Cheng joins the army for military service.

Aug., 1997Data collections and editiong of Taiwan Women Forum are finished. Announce the joint product of 8 women's organizations, Taiwan Women Forum, officially.

CyberPoll: Internet Users' Attitude on Child Subsidy.

Nov., 1997 New Column on Taiwan Women Forum: Women's Political Participation.
Dec., 1997Joint survey with Peng Wan-Ru Foundation on Women's Physical Safety.
Jan., 1998Establish APEC-WLN work team. APEC-WLN project begins.

New topic on Taiwan Women Web: Domestic Violence.

Open computer taining course--How to Make Webpage with HTML Language-- for women's organizations' workers who engage in the project on Taiwan Women Forum.

March, 1998Edit "The 3rd National Women's Conference" website for public access.

Publish the on-line "Taiwan Women Newsletter" with women's organizations.

April, 1998The Awakening Foundation joins the work team of Taiwan Women Forum and open a new column on the web: Marriage and Family

Publish Taipei Women Related Services Resources Handbook (in printed, CD, and internet versions). Contact Information: stsai@frontier.org.tw¡C

May, 1998Assist the operation of island-wide "Social Resources Management" training program organized by the Taiwan Family Education Service Center.

Special Issues on Mother's Day : "Grandma&Mom's Network," and "One Hundred Ways to Attract Moms to Get Wired."

June, 1998 Introduce the "Database of Women Related Services in Taipei on Taiwan Women Web.

Update the front page of Taiwan Women Web, and introduce '98 The Report on Women's Status in Taiwan both in Chinese and English.

Aug., 1998Introduce the "Internet Bookclub" website cooperated with the Bookish Culture Promotion Association and FemBooks bookstore.

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Yam Women Web since 1997.03.08 last updated: 1998.12.04
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